The Christianity & Communication Studies Network is a free, interactive community of scholars, teachers, and others interested in exploring questions at the intersection between Christianity and communication. We share resources, collaborate, and stay current in the field. Learn about membership benefits. Learn what non-members can access. Attend live presentations.
Christianity & Communication Studies Network
An interactive community of scholars, teachers, and others interested in Christianity & Communication
A Prayer for the Peace of Christ's Flock, Liturgy of St. Mark. Pray with us now:
In this recent entry, Bob explores how we can help listeners of our messages better understand the authenticity of our voice. Learn more:
How does your communication "spur others toward love and good deeds"? In your teaching, research, and leadership? Learn more:
In this entry, Stephanie explores what it means to communicate patience. Learn more:
Joseph explores what it means to communicate and care for anxious, stressed, worn-out people. Learn more: