The Christianity & Communication Studies Network is a free, interactive community of scholars, teachers, and others interested in exploring questions at the intersection between Christianity and communication. We share resources, collaborate, and stay current in the field. Learn about membership benefits. Learn what non-members can access. Attend live presentations.

Christianity & Communication Studies Network
An interactive community of scholars, teachers, and others interested in Christianity & Communication
A Prayer for Right Living, Fifth Century, Leonine Sacramentary. Pray with us now:
In what ways do you consider the outcome of your words and symbols before you communicate? Learn more:
Paper/panel presentations are available at this year's pre-con that coincides with RCA and NCA. Space is limited. Learn more:
Review of a new book focusing on the various research methods (quantitative, qualitative, and critical) employed in the study of religion and communication. Learn more:
Learn about a new journalism paradigm focusing on coverage of human flourishing with primary instruction from the psychology of Biblical Jubilee. Learn more: