Seeking Book Reviewers for The Journal of Religious and Theological Information

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The Journal of Religious and Theological Information (JRTI) is currently seeking reviewers for books of interest to the journal. JRTI is interested in the production, dissemination, use, preservation, etc. of religious information. The books included for review in JRTI cover a broad spectrum in line with this scope. As such, the journal seeks to review books on topics including, but limited to:

·  how religion is disseminated, 
·  the historical formation of theology,
·  the role of communication technologies in religion, 
·  in-depth case studies on diverse religious experience, 
·  the use of religious artifacts, 
·  depictions of religion in media, 
·  how religion informs political debates, 
·  religion as sensemaking,
·  art and religion.

Below you will find a list of several books that match the aims of the journal. This reveals a wide span looking at religious dissemination in reporting, expressions of religion in sports, censorship, religion and economics, and the depiction of religious objects.

If you are interested in reviewing, please send an email to Darin Freeburg, review editor, at with an indication of the book you would like to review. Note that you can also suggest books not listed here that are published within the last two years and fit these general aims. Please also provide an indication of your expertise in the area(s) covered by the text.

Original and objective reviews are accepted on a rolling basis and will be edited for content, grammar, and style. Reviewers typically have 2 months to complete the review once the book is received.

Information about the journal—as well as previous editions—can be found here (

Current Titles for Review (more available by request or suggestion)

Alexander, D. (2017). Genes, determinism, and God. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Baert, B. & Rochmes, S.R. (2017). Decapitation and sacrifice : Saint John’s head in interdisciplinary perspectives: Text, object, medium. Leuven Belgium, Peeters.

Best, W.D. (2017). Langston’s salvation: American religion and the bard of Harlem. New York, NY: NYU Press.

Brennan, M.G. (2017). George Orwell and religion. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.

Buggeln, G., Paine, C., & Plate, S.B. (eds). (2017). Religion in museums: Global and multidisciplinary perspectives. Bloomsbury Academic 

Byrd, D. (2017). Unfashionable objections to Islamophobic cartoons : l’affaire Charlie Hebdo. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Cohen, Y. (2017). Spiritual news reporting religion around the world. New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Delpiano, P. (2017). Church and censorship in eighteenth-century Italy: Governing reading in the age of enlightenment. London: Routledge.

Heal, B. (2017). A magnificent faith: Art and identity in Lutheran Germany. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Lynn, C.D., Glaze, A.L., Evans, W.A., Reed, L.K. (Eds.). (2017). Evolution education in the American South: Culture, politics, and resources in and around Alabama. Palgrave MacMillan.

Pimblott, K. (2017). Faith in black power: Religion, race, and resistance in Cairo, Illinois. Lexington, Kentucky: University Press of Kentucky.

Rapley, J. (2017). Twilight of the money gods: Economics as a religion and how it all went wrong. London: Simon & Schuster.

Schmiesing, K.E. (2017). Merchants and ministers: A history of businesspeople and clergy in the United States. Lanham: Lexington Books.

Soltes, O.Z. (2017). God and the goalposts: A brief history of sports, religion, politics, war, and art. Baltimore, Bartleby Press. 


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