A New Undergraduate Honor Society for Christian Communication Students

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Kristos Logos Paideia
A Global Undergraduate Honor Society for Christian Communication Scholars

Welcome from the Director
Brandon Knight, PhD | William Carey University | BKnight@wmcarey.edu

I am honored to serve as the director of this first-of-a-kind initiative for undergraduate Christian students around the world who are committed to integrating their Christian faith with the study of communication. If I have learned anything from my academic journey, it is the connections you make along the way that can make or break the experience. Numerous associations and societies have helped me remain firm in my commitment to the field of communication—some of which I am still heavily involved in, like the Religious Communication Association and the National Communication Association. Even more, it was the inspiration of academic mentors that helped me see a possible future in the Academy. These experiences have, in many ways, initiated the creation of this new academic community for Christian undergraduates called Kristos Logos Paideia (KLP). My dream is for KLP to be a community of encouragement and mentorship for Christian undergraduates who excel in their communication studies which will, in due time, result in transformation—not just in the field but also in our field’s relationship to the Church.

Consider joining Kristos Logos Paideia and become part of a community that  celebrates excellence in the field of communication and provides unique opportunities for scholarly engagement through our conferences and workshops and special events hosted by the Christianity and Communication Studies Network. Even if you are a member of another honor society, and even if your institution doesn’t sponsor a Kristos Logos Paideia chapter on your campus, we welcome you to the community. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions.

Sincerely, BKnight


Kristos Logos Paideia is a global undergraduate honor society founded by the Christianity and Communication Studies Network (theccsn.com) in cooperation with several Christian colleges and universities that bridges scholarship in the field of communication with the Christian faith. We are dedicated to recognizing and celebrating excellence in communication scholarship while fostering an environment where students can explore the integration of their Christian faith with the academic study of communication.


  1. Faith-learning Integration: Kristos Logos Paideia embraces and encourages the exploration of how communication scholarship intersects with a Christian worldview and biblical truth. Students are encouraged to think Christianly and deeply about how their Christian faith illuminates communication scholarship and how communication scholarship helps them to understand better certain aspects of their Christian faith and the Church’s communication to the world
  2. Academic Excellence: Membership is reserved for students who have demonstrated academic excellence in their communication coursework.
  3. Professional Development: Members will have access to exclusive events, workshops, mentors, and other networking opportunities to enhance their communication skills and career prospects.
  4. Community Engagement: Members will have opportunities to engage with and be mentored by like-minded faculty, professionals, and peers in public and private institutions of higher education across the globe who share a passion for faithful communication and faith-learning integration in the field of communication.


  1. Recognition: Distinguish yourself as a top achiever in the field of communication while exploring the connection between your faith and academic pursuits. Members will also have the opportunity to be elected to various chapter offices and representing their local chapter at state, regional, and national conventions.
  2. Faith-informed Communication: Access resources and discussions that explore how a Christian worldview can guide ethical and faithful communication practices across all areas of our field.
  3. Networking Opportunities: Connect with faculty, administrators, industry professionals, alumni, and fellow members who share a commitment to both excellence and faith-learning integration in the field of communication.
  4. Exclusive Events: Attend special seminars, guest lectures, workshops, symposia, and conferences that explore the ethical and moral dimensions of communication from a Christian perspective.
  5. Mentorship: Access mentorship programs that emphasize the integration of faith in professional communication settings.
  6. Graduate Programs and Publications: Develop connections within our community that can serve as valuable resources for information on graduate programs, graduate assistantships, guidance in the application process, and collaboration on scholarly publications.
  7. Yearly Conference with Christianity and Communication Studies Network: Participate in a unique yearly conference where members can engage with scholars and professionals from the Christianity and Communication Studies Network. This conference provides a platform to present research, discuss the intersection of faith and communication, and network with experts in the field.
  8. Receive the Honor Society Newsletter: Receive updates and opportunities within the field of communication that support your scholarly and professional pursuits, including internships and job opportunities.
  9. Receive free access to all CCSN summer workshops and conferences.
  10. Receive a 40% discount on all Integratio Press books. Integratio Press is the imprint of the CCSN.


To be eligible for Kristos Logos Paideia, students must:

  1. Be a communication major or minor or demonstrate significant coursework in the field of communication.
  2. Complete the equivalent of 12 semester credit-hours (18 quarter credit-hours) in the field of communication.
  3. Maintain a minimum overall cumulative GPA of 3.25, and a minimum GPA of 3.50 for all communication courses. If a member’s GPA falls below the yearly minimum, the member will be placed on probationary status and given one full term (quarter or semester) to meet the minimum GPA standard before membership status is revoked.
  4. Currently be enrolled as a student in good standing, as determined by the institution’s policies.
  5. Exhibit a commitment to excellence in the field of communication and an interest in exploring the intersection of faith and communication.


Student Interest Form

  1. Nomination Letter: Outstanding students may be nominated by a faculty member or administrator. Under certain circumstances, depending on the student’s institutional setting, a self-nomination may be accepted. Send no more than one nomination letter to Kristos Logos Paideia Director Dr. Brandon Knight, BKnight@wmcarey.edu. A nomination letter should be no more than one page and focus on the nominee’s academic performance, extracurricular involvement, and commitment to the field, with special attention paid to the nominee’s interest in faith-learning integration in the field of communication.
  2. Online Application: Nominations will be reviewed by the Director and successful nominees will be directed to complete the online application form.
  3. Invitation: Successful applicants will receive a formal, written invitation from the Director to join Kristos Logos Paideia.


  1. Prior to official induction in Kristos Logos Paideia, a student must submit the one-time membership fee ($100.00) to their chapter. This one-time fee covers the student’s lifetime membership in the Kristos Logos Paideia Honor Society.
  2. Once the student submits the fee, the chapter advisor is responsible for ordering the student’s personalized induction certificate and Kristos Logos Paideia Honor Society lapel pin. Note that if an institution does not have an official chapter, the student member should contact Kristos Logos Paideia Director Dr. Brandon Knight, BKnight@wmcarey.edu
  3. Honor cords to be worn at graduation, which symbolize the excellence and commitment of our members, are also available for students who graduate in good standing with Kristos Logos Paideia. They can be ordered through the designated location prior to graduation by the chapter advisor. These may be ordered concurrently with the certificates. As with induction certificates and lapel pins, if an institution does not have an official chapter, the student member should contact Kristos Logos Paideia Director Dr. Brandon Knight, BKnight@wmcarey.edu


Diane Badzinski, PhD, Colorado Christian University

Stephanie Bennett. PhD, Palm Beach Atlantic University

Julie Borkin, PhD, Taylor University

Ken Chase, PhD, Wheaton College

John Dunkle, PhD, Liberty University

Andrew Harris, PhD, Cedarville University

Elizabeth Jones, PhD, Asbury University

Bala Musa, PhD, Azusa Pacific University

Nicholas Pertler, PhD, Point Loma Nazarene University

Stephen Perry, PhD, Regent University

Kevin Schut, PhD, Trinity Western University


For inquiries or to express your interest or ask questions, contact our Honor Society Director, Dr. Brandon Knight, William Carey University, at BKnight@wmcarey.edu, or visit our website at https://www.theccsn.com/kristos-logos-paideia-honor-society/

Join Kristos Logos Paideia and be part of a community that not only celebrates excellence in communication but also provides unique opportunities for scholarly engagement through our yearly conference with the Christianity and Communication Studies Network

Chapter Membership: How to Start and Maintain a Chapter


Sponsorship Registration Form

Chapters of the Kristos Logos Paideia Honor Society (KP) may be established at institutions that meet the following criteria:

  1. Grants baccalaureate or higher degrees.
  2. Accredited by the appropriate regional association.
  3. Has an academic school, division, or department in the field of communication
  4. Offers a minimum of 30 academic hours in Communication and Communication-related courses.

Applications for new chapters can be conveniently submitted online through https://www.theccsn.com/kristos-logos-paideia-honor-society/. A one-time new chapter fee of $50.00 is required, which includes a charter suitable for framing and covers the first year of chapter dues. There is a $25.00 annual membership fee renewal.


To maintain active chapter status, chapters must fulfill the following obligations:

  1. Pay annual chapter dues of $25.00 no later than January 2nd of each year.
  2. Complete the online annual report form.

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