A Prayer for Wise Words, by John Hatch

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O Incarnate Word of Creation,

Words fail me.


When I behold your wonders

In earth and sky and sea,

I well up with wonder, speechless.


“The LORD is in His holy temple;

Let all the earth keep silence before Him.”[*]

Let me, too, keep silence.

Let deep call unto Deep

Like waterfall to Sea.


O Wind, you sound the depths.

O Spirit, speak for me.




O Crucified Word, Man of Sorrows,

Words fail me . . .


When I witness the folly and cruelty of humanity,

The bull-headed bigotry,

The arrogant ignorance—

Impervious to good reasoning

And careful speaking—

I well up with anger, speechless.


Let me sink into Your mighty silence

Who uttered not a word against false accusations

But simply stood as Truth,

Silent, like a lamb before slaughter.


May your silence speak,

Deeper than words,

Breathing forth prayer

To the God who hears.

by John Hatch

Spirit, speak for me.

–by John Hatch

[*] Habakkuk 2:20, NKJV

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