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Individuals who Join the Network can do the following:
1. Collaborate with scholars, teachers, and others through designated online forums.
2. Participate in live educational webinars, workshops, e-lectures/presentations, and virtual conferences from respected scholars, researchers, teachers, and other experts in the field of communication who bring a faith-based perspective to their work. Such venues provide additional opportunities for collaboration and discussion;
3. Download recorded webinars and workshops, e-lectures/presentations and virtual conferences of the kind mentioned above.
4. Access the latest research resources and teaching/instructional resources in Christianity and communication studies and its related sub-disciplines;
5. Access a one-of-a-kind, searchable annotated bibliography with resources related to Christianity and communication studies (several thousand sources are scheduled to be added to the bibliography this year);
6. Find collaborators for book projects, articles, and other publications and presentations;
7. Publish peer-reviewed book reviews and other material on topics and issues relevant to members;
8. Find a list of consultants and trainers who may provide a faith-based perspective to various contexts and sub-disciplines within the field of communication.
9. Make announcements, post job notices, post news and events related to Christianity and communication;
10. Receive regular, weekly updates on new posts in the teaching, research, webinar, and news areas;
11. Learn about and connect with organizations worldwide involved in faith-based communication study and initiatives;
12. Support and participate in skills training in mediation and negotiation, and conflict resolution that draws on the latest research in the field of communication.
13. Publish and learn about books in Christianity and Communication Studies through the CCSN’s imprint, Integratio Press
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