A cartoon prepared by John Lawing, former professor of communication, Regent University. Some of Lawing’s illustrations were included in Understanding Evangelical Media: The Changing Face of Christian Communication (IVP, 2008). Resource Link: http://www.understandingevangelicalmedia.com/comics/
Shalom: Conversation with Dr. Walter Brueggemann
This blog post features a recent interview with Walter Brueggemann in which he discusses the Biblical roots and contemporary applications of the concept of Shalom. Brueggemann comments on some contemporary issues, including the ideology of ISIS and Israel-Palentine relations. Resource Link: http://wagingwisdom.com/2015/03/30/shalom-conversation-with-dr-walter-brueggemann/ Additional Link: http://wagingwisdom.com/
Podio — Serialized Audio Books in Podcast Form
(from the website, FAQ page): The term podiobook was coined by Evo Terra in April 2005 to describe serialized audiobooks which are distributed via RSS, much like a podcast. Yes. The serialized audio book versions we make available on our site are really free. However, these authors work very hard working on their books, and we work hard maintaining this …
Baylor University’s Studies in Rhetoric & Religion Book Series
The Studies in Rhetoric and Religion (R&R) series explores the wide variety of rhetorical features and strategies that comprise religious communication – be it by oral performance, symbolic actions and rituals, art, architecture, print, or other media. This series underscores the relationship between rhetoric and religion, demonstrating that both belief and how that belief is communicated contribute to identity and …
Terry Mattingly’s “On Religion” blog
Culled from author’s website: On Religion is a blog written by Terry Mattingly, who directs the Washington Journalism Center at the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. He writes this weekly column for the Scripps Howard News Service. Terry’s blog is published in about 350 newspapers in North America. His writing also appears in The Lookout, Beliefnet.com, Again Magazine and …
Online Journal of Christian Communication and Culture
(from website): An open-source student journal of Christian communication and culture developed by Moody Bible Institute Students as a project of the course “Biblical Perspectives of Media and Culture.” Resource Link: http://www.ojccc.org/about/
Faith and Learning Forum
(from the website) Faith and Learning Forum is unique–an international online Christian worldview journal—an academic university of Christian scholarship. It is for faith & learning scholars in Christian and research universities, students, and interested people who want to read and contribute to stimulating Christian worldview commentary and actual in-fact examples of the integration of faith & learning. It is Christian …
Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion
Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion (JFSR) is the oldest interdisciplinary, interreligious feminist academic journal in religious studies. Founded in 1985, it is published twice annually, in the spring and fall. Located at the intersection of feminist theory and studies in religion, it welcomes contributions that explore a diversity of feminist theories, practices, cultures, and religions. The journal also includes …
Listening: Journal of Communication, Ethics, Religion, and Culture
(from the website) “Listening places religious inquiry right where it belongs today: center stage in human affairs and in an interdisciplinary context. We can expect the journal to bring lively vigor and insight to pressing issues. Organized around themes, each issue offers pluralistic, multidisciplinary discussions with concern to deepen understanding and prepare ground for change.” – Patricia Huntington, Professor of …
The Betrayal by Technology: A Portrait of Jacques Ellul
This 50 minute documentary features the thought of Jacques Ellul with respect to technology. The documentary includes interviews in French with Ellul, with English subtitles. Resource Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51IoQOJ0SfY