A Pure Heart O God Almighty, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Your only begotten Son, give me a body unstained, a pure heart, a watchful mind, and an upright understanding, and the presence of Your Holy Spirit, that I may obtain and ever hold fast to an unshaken faith in Your Truth, through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord; …
CCSN’s First-ever Pre-Conference at NCA, A Dialogic Unconference on Christian Scholarship
You are invited to attend the CCSN’s first-ever pre-conference event at NCA. Space is limited, so please contact rwoods@theccsn.com if you are interested in attending. From the Outrageous to the Scandalous: Re-imagining Christian Thinking and Scholarship in an Age of Tribalism and Ideological Resentment A Dialogic Unconference Hosted by the Christianity and Communication Studies Network (theccsn.com) Date/Location/Time: Tuesday, November 19, 2024, …
Column Entry, “Give Us a King”: The Allure of Power at the Cost of Truth, by John Hatch
Column title: Crossed My Mind: Thoughts on Culture and Communication Column entry: “Give Us a King”: The Allure of Power at the Cost of Truth By John Hatch, Ph.D. Eastern University (retired) CCSN Senior Fellow Column Description: As Christians, we are called to have the mind of Christ. This goes against the grain of our social and cultural conditioning. We …
Quote of the Week, Communication that Sharpens, Proverbs 27:17
Scripture: “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another” (Proverbs 27:17, NIV) Reflection: Who “sharpens” your communication? How does your communication “sharpen” others and their messages?
A New Undergraduate Honor Society for Christian Communication Scholars
Kristos Logos Paideia A Global Undergraduate Honor Society for Christian Communication Scholars Welcome from the Director Brandon Knight, PhD | William Carey University | BKnight@wmcarey.edu I am honored to serve as the director of this first-of-a-kind initiative for undergraduate Christian students around the world who are committed to integrating their Christian faith with the study of communication. If I have …
A Prayer of St. Augustine, Of Thee and Me
A Prayer of St. Augustine Lord Jesus, let me know myself and know Thee, And desire nothing save only Thee. Let me hate myself and love Thee. Let me do everything for the sake of Thee. Let me humble myself and exalt Thee. Let me think nothing except Thee. Let me die to myself and live in Thee. Let me …
New Book Release, Directing Theater: A Christian Perspective, by Gillette Elvgren
Directing Theater: A Christian Perspective Available Now (Amazon Associates Link) Author: Gillette Elvgren Isbn paperback: 978-1-959685-07-4 Isbn ebook: 978-1-959685-08-1 LCCN: 2023945333 Total pages: 164 Price: $25.00 [Return to Integratio Press] DESCRIPTION The author brings a career of academic and professional directing experience to inform readers how to select, prepare, and mount a production for the stage. At the same time, …
New Book Release, Communicating for Life, Upd. & Exp., by Quentin Schultze
Communicating for Life: Christian Stewardship in Community and Media (Updated and Expanded Edition) Available Now (Amazon Associates Link) Author: Quentin J. Schultze Foreword by Martin E. Marty Paperback ISBN: 978-1-959685-09-8 Ebook ISBN: 978-1-959685-10-4 LCCN: 2023949050 Total Pages: 332 [Return to Integratio Press] DESCRIPTION In this updated and expanded edition, the author invites professors of communication and media to reflect on …
Introducing CCSN’s Newest Senior Fellow, Tim Muehlhoff
Meet the CCSN’s newest Senior Fellow, Tim Muehlhoff (PhD, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill). He is Professor of Communication at Biola University where he teaches classes in conflict resolution, apologetics, gender, and family communication. For over 30 years he served with Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru) in the campus ministry, short-term missions (Kenya, Russia, Lithuania), and with Keynote as …
Quote of the Week, Let Your Communication Serve Others, by the Apostle Paul
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” –Ephesians 4:29 (NIV), an epistle written by the Apostle Paul