“They who know the truth are not equal to those who love it, and they who love it are not equal to those who delight in it.” –Confucius Source: Confucius, Analects 6.18
Book Review, Christianity and Critical Race Theory: A Faithful and Constructive Conversation
Book Reviewed: Robert Chao Romero and Jeff M. Liou, Christianity and Critical Race Theory: A Faithful and Constructive Conversation (Ada, MI: Baker Academic, 2023). Amazon.com Associates Link Reviewed By: John B. Hatch Journal of Christian Teaching Practice, Volume 10 (January-December 2023) Reviewer Affiliation: CCSN Senior Fellow / JCTP Book Review Editor Total Pages: 208 ISBN-10: 1540965198 Ever since Critical Race Theory began to emerge …
Call for Proposals, Faith-learning Integration in Communication Studies
Call for Proposals Christian Faith-learning Integration in Communication Studies: Theoretical Foundations, Practical Applications [PDF of proposal] The Context: Christian higher education, like the rest of higher education, is in a time of transition. Challenges brought on by population shifts, changing public attitudes toward higher education, rising operational costs, dominance of digital technologies, and decline in a cultural, moral consensus has …
Call for Proposals, Communication Studies in Christian Thought, Second Volume
Communication Studies in Christian Thought (working title) In 2018, your editors were part of a book titled Words and Witnesses: Communication Studies in Christian Thought from Athanasius to Desmond Tutu (Hendrickson, 2018). It included more than 40 chapters from nearly as many authors and institutions. It covered early church, medieval, Renaissance, Reformation, early modern, modern, and contemporary Christian thinkers and …
Call for Book Review, The Evangelical Imagination: How Stories, Images, and Metaphors Created a Culture in Crisis
Journal of Christian Teaching Practice is seeking a reviewer for Karen Swallow Prior’s new book, The Evangelical Imagination: How Stories, Images, and Metaphors Created a Culture in Crisis (Brazos Press). The reviewer should ideally be a rhetorician who studies/teaches popular and contemporary religious culture. Our time frame is flexible. If you are interested, please reach out directly to the JCTP Book Review Editor, Dr. John …
Book Project, A Call for Prayers for Communication
Integratio Press, CCSN’s imprint, is collecting a year’s worth of prayers on or about faithful communication for a short book. These can be original prayers you have written, or prayers throughout church history that address some meaningful aspect of communication. Also, the prayer can be a meaningful quote–anything from a sentence to a full paragraph or more–from a Church Father …
CCSN Consulting and Speaking Bureaus, An Invitation
The CCSN has received a growing number of requests for paid consultants and speakers. Consultants and Trainers may provide program reviews for departments or programs in communication, assist an organization or church with training in conflict resolution or how to effectively manage virtual teams, and so forth. Speakers are often requested for churches, high schools, colleges/universities, and local community organizations …
Access all 10 Summer Workshops in Faith and Communication with Summer Pass
If you weren’t able to attend a particular workshop but still want to view the recording and access workshop resources (e.g., PPTs, handouts, exercises, et al), you may order a Summer Pass. The Summer Pass gives you access to all previous and future 2023 workshops (10 in all). LEARN MORE If you don’t want all 10 and just want to …
Prayer, Thanking God for the Gift of Communication, by Kevin Jones
Father, thank you for your gift of communication. Please forgive me for ways I may have misused your gift, hurt others with my words, not listened in love, and not honored you with my communication. I ask for help from the Holy Spirit with my words so I can show your love to others with the words I speak. I …
Quote of the Week, Hurry as the Enemy of Spiritual Life, by Dallas Willard
“Hurry is the great enemy of the spiritual life in our day. You must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life.” Dallas Willard, answering John Ortberg’s question, “What do I need to do to become the me I want to be?” Reference Dallas Willard, as reported by John Mark Comer in The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry (Waterbrook, 2019), pp: 18-19.