Persistence in Communication “If God at times seems to be slow in responding, it is because God is preparing a better gift. He will not deny us. We well know that the long-awaited gift is all the more precious for the delay in its being granted . . . . Ask, seek, insist. Through this asking and seeking you will …
Column entry, “Aim for Joy: Symbolic Power and Preaching,” by Brandon Knight
Column Title: In Search of Right Words: Saint Augustine, Rhetoric, and Preaching By Brandon Knight, Ph.D. William Carey University Column Description: Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, in his work On Christian Doctrine, illustrates the important relationship between preaching and rhetoric. Even in his day—and still today—many questioned what use the church could possibly gain from the study of oratory. Nevertheless, …
Column entry, “The Image of God and the Vocation of Teaching,” by Elizabeth McLaughlin
Column Description: The term Communitas refers to an unstructured community of equal members often traveling from one place to another. Like the characters in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, we are fellow pilgrims on the road towards the Father’s house, following Jesus as the way, truth, and life. This column is a space to share common ideas about faith, communication, and culture …
Column Entry, “What to Do When Paradise Stinks,” by Chase Mitchell
Column: Image to Image: Musings on Faith, Media, and Story January entry: What to Do When Paradise Stinks Column Description: Image to Image: Musings on Faith, Media, and Story is a monthly column that illuminates old and new ideas about media ecology from a Christian perspective. Dr. Mitchell will explore what it means to bear God’s image and Christian witness in a …
“The Work of (Y)our Hands,” Christian Scholar’s Review Post, by Chase Mitchell
CCSN member and columnist, Chase Mitchell, shares how our teaching has impact. In this Christian Scholar’s Review Guest Post, “The Work of Y(our) Hands,” he reflects on what it means to trust our labors to God; to be patient as He uses our words and work to grow the Kingdom.
CCSN Student Internships, Digital Curator, Editorial/Publishing Assistant
Christianity and Communication Studies Network (CCSN) Job title: (Student Internship): Digital Communication Curator Summary Description: The Digital Communication Curator (DCC) will be housed in the Institute for Faith and Communication and assist the CCSN Network Administrator with an assortment of website content management and integrated marketing aspects associated with the network ( The DCC will support strategic objectives designed to …
Monday Morning Communication Prayer, Bishop Ken Untener
Often attributed to Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador, this poem was actually written by Bishop Ken Untener of Saginaw in memory of Romero, an amazing, inspiring follower of and martyr for Christ. It helps, now and then, to step back and take the long view. The kingdom is not only beyond our efforts, it is beyond our vision. …
“Keeping the Faith in Grad School,” by Lakelyn Taylor (January Column)
Keeping the Faith in Grad School Column Description: Writing as a Christian who is a doctoral student at a public institution of higher learning, Lakelyn reflects on how graduate students can maintain their faith in graduate school when it seems hard to do. This column is not about how to “beat” the “other” side in debates about religion or secular …
“Pass the Peace,” by John Hatch, from the Column: Crossed My Mind
Crossed My Mind: Thoughts on Culture and Communication By John Hatch, Ph.D. Eastern University Column Description: As Christians, we are called to have the mind of Christ. This goes against the grain of our social and cultural conditioning. We seek personal or political advancement; Christ seeks the lost and the least. We grasp for cultural ascendency; Christ descends to the …
Year-end Invitation and a sincere thanks
Dear CCSN members, colleagues, and friends. Despite the challenges of the past two years facing us all, your ongoing participation and support have helped the CCSN grow in membership and reach inside and outside the Academy, including our growing social media presence. Whether it has been contributing an article or book review to our peer-reviewed journal, presenting a webinar, participating …