Title: Kristos Logos Paideia Information Session Presenter: Brandon Knight, PhD, William Carey University Date/time: Thursday, October 3, 6-7 pm EST Description: How can your studies in communication impact both your career and Christian mission? Join Dr. Brandon Knight on Thursday, October 3rd, at 6 PM EST for a virtual information meeting about Kristos Logos Paideia (KLP). Discover how this honor …
Quote of the Week, Accountability, by G.K. Chesterton
“Both men and women ought to face more fully the things they do or cause to be done; face them or leave off doing them.” G.K. Chesterton, in The Quotable Chesterton: The Wit and Wisdom of G.K. Chesterton, by Kevin Belmonte.
A Prayer to be God’s Instrument of Peace, by St. Francis of Assisi
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love, Where there is injury, pardon Where there is doubt, faith, Where there is despair, hope, Where there is darkness, light, Where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, not so …
Column entry, The Fundamental Political Choice: Fear or Love?, by John Hatch
Column title: Crossed My Mind: Thoughts on Culture and Communication Column entry: The Fundamental Political Choice: Fear or Love? By John Hatch, Ph.D. Eastern University (retired) CCSN Senior Fellow Column Description: As Christians, we are called to have the mind of Christ. This goes against the grain of our social and cultural conditioning. We seek personal or political advancement; Christ …
Adjunct Position, Vanguard University
Vanguard University is looking for a Communication adjunct professor to teach the following in Spring 2025: COMM-345 – Communication Across Cultures – 3 Credits  This course is designed to develop an understanding of the process of communication across global cultural boundaries. Students will be introduced to the concepts, characteristics, and elements of culture along with the “deep structures” of culture which includes cultural views …
Quote of the Week, Bad Company Creates Bad Communication, 1 Cor. 15:33
“Do not be misled: ‘Bad company corrupts good character.’” (1 Corinthians 15:33, New International Version) Question: In what ways does your communication reflect the kind of “company” you keep?
Column entry, “My Foolishness and God’s Wisdom,” by Chase Mitchell
Column: Image to Image: Musings on Faith, Media, and Story September entry: “My Foolishness and God’s Wisdom” (September 2024) Column Description: Image to Image: Musings on Faith, Media, and Story is a monthly column that illuminates old and new ideas about media ecology from a Christian perspective. Dr. Mitchell will explore what it means to bear God’s image and Christian witness in …
Recent Vlog Entry, Why Interpersonal Communication Matters, with Stephanie Bennett
Why Intrapersonal Communication Matters Description: Many will agree that strong listening skills are the most important part of the process of communication, but even as we become better at listening to others, we often forget to listen to the loving Voice of God within us. Sometimes the voice within us is not of God, but it is our own inner …
Still time to register, Upcoming Webinar, Awakening the Quieter Virtues in an Era of Braggadocio and Isolation
Title: Awakening the Quieter Virtues in an Era of Braggadocio and Isolation Presenter: Greg Spencer, Professor Emeritus of Communication, Westmont College Date/Time: September 16, 2024, 6-7 pm EST Description: In our culture, virtue gets relatively little attention. Because of the noisiness of our culture, the quieter virtues are almost lost altogether. Innocence and contentment are not often discussed or desired, …
A Liturgy Before Writing, by Malcolm Guite
A Liturgy Before Writing, by Malcolm Guite  O Word through whom the world was made, Word in whom all words are graced, I thank you for speaking me into being, and I thank you that, made in your image, I am privileged with the gift  of speech and language, allowed by you to be a Word-Bearer. Now, as I …