Hypermediated Experience in the Contemporary Church

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Presenter and Affiliation: Dr. Sean Connable, Lecturer, Christopher Newport University, Newport News, Virginia Presentation Title: Hypermediated Experience in the Contemporary Church Date: Wednesday, February 22, 2017     Time: 8-9 p.m. EST Description: The intersection of digital culture and contemporary religion continues to be a site of interesting research. Often times we see digital technologies embraced without any consideration to the …

Essential Questions Series, Special Guest, Dr. Terry Lindvall

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Presenter and Affiliation: Dr. Terry Lindvall, Virginia Wesleyan College, C.S. Lewis Endowed Chair in Communication and Christian Thought Professor of Communication Presentation Title: “Essential Questions in Faith and Communication Series, Interview No. 15, Terry Lindvall” (Moderated by Mark Fackler) Date: 02/09/17     Time: 12:00-1:00 pm, EST Description: this 15th installment in the “Essential Questions in Faith and Communication Series” features Dr. Terry Lindvall, Virginia Wesleyan …

“Ode for O Joe,” Motivation and Communication – Part 2 (by Paul A. Creasman)

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Motivation and Communication – Part 2 “Ode for O Joe” Paul A. Creasman, Arizona Christian University, Professor of Communication; Chair, Communication and English Department (paul.creasman@arizonachristian.edu) I was saddened to learn this summer that Joey “O Joe” Taylor, the co-founder and driving force behind Undercover, one of the seminal early Contemporary Christian punk/rock bands, had renounced his Christian beliefs. Although this …

The “Why?” of Communication, Motivation and Communication – Part 1 (by Paul A. Creasman)

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Motivation and Communication – Part 1 The “Why?” of Communication Paul A. Creasman, Arizona Christian University, Professor of Communication; Chair, Communication and English Department (paul.creasman@arizonachristian.edu) Seems so simple a question yet it is also decidedly complex. Out of the “5Ws” of journalism (who, what, when, where, why) “why” is the most difficult to address because it asks for something more …

Dr. Tim Muehlhoff, Practicing What He’s Preaching with Winsome Persuasion

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Dr. Tim Muehlhoff is Practicing What He’s Preaching with Winsome Persuasion: Christian Influences in a Post-Christian World (InterVarsity Press, 2017) By Benjamin Stallings, Special Features Editor Dr. Timothy Muehlhoff, Professor of Communication Studies at Biola University, has spent most of his adult life exploring how to bridge the distance between communities and individuals. His most recent book, Winsome Persuasion: Christian …

Essential Questions Series, Special Guest, Dr. Benson Fraser

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Presenter and Affiliation: Dr. Benson Fraser, Associate Professor of Communication, Regent University Presentation Title: “Essential Questions in Faith and Communication Series, Interview No. 14, Benson Fraser” (Moderated by Mark Fackler) Date: 01/27/17     Time: 4:00-5:00 pm, EST Description: this 14th installment in the “Essential Questions in Faith and Communication Series” features Dr. Benson Fraser, Associate Professor of Communication, Regent University, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Join Dr. Fraser as he answers …

Networked Theology: Negotiating Faith in Digital Culture (Review by Annalee Ward)

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Cite as follows: Ward, Annalee (2017). Networked Theology: Negotiating Faith in Digital Culture, by Heidi A. Campbell and Stephen Garner (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2016) [Book Review]. Journal of Christian Teaching Practice 3(1), https://www.theccsn.com/networked-theology-negotiating-faith-in-digital-culture-review-by-annalee-ward/ [a publication of the Christianity and Communication Studies Network, www.theccsn.com, copyright 2017] Downloadable PDF: Annalee Ward_Review of Networked Theology_Campbell and Garner By Annalee Ward, Ph.D., ARWard@dbq.edu; Director of the …

Essential Questions Series, Special Guest, Dr. Monica Chibita

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Presenter and Affiliation: Dr. Monica Chibita, Associate Professor and Head of the Mass Communication Department, Uganda Christian University (UCU). Presentation Title?: “Essential Questions in Faith and Communication Series, Interview No. 13, Monica Chibita” (Moderated by Mark Fackler) Date:  01/05/17       Time: 1:00-2:00 pm, EST Description: this 13th installment in the “Essential Questions in Faith and Communication Series” features Monica …

Antoinette Brown Blackwell: A Prophetic Voice for the Purity Movement

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Presenter and Affiliation: Dr. Barbara Spies, Associate Professor of Communication, Cardinal Stritch University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Presentation Title: Antoinette Brown Blackwell: A Prophetic Voice for the Purity Movement Date: Thursday, December 15, 2016. Time: 8-9 p.m. EST Description: From Biblical times to the current day speakers have employed persuasive tactics following the format of the jeremiad. We have heard prophetic warnings …

Faculty and Blogger Profile, Dr. Paul Creasman, Arizona Christian University

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Thinking Christianly about Communication Theory from the Heart of the Southwest by Ben Stallings, CCSN Special Features Editor Faculty Profile: Paul A. Creasman, Ph.D., Professor of Communication, Chair, Department of Communication and English, Arizona Christian University Dr. Paul Creasman’s path to being the Chair of the Department of Communication and English and a leading Professor of Communication at Arizona Christian University in …