Subject: Gaming Religion at SXSW – please vote The Network for New Media, Religion and Digital Culture Studies is sponsoring an exciting panel for the 2018 SxSWedu festival. Gaming Religion: Finding Faith in Digital Games will bring together Heidi Campbell (Texas A&M University) to talk on Digital Religion, Greg Grieve (UNC-Greensboro) on Buddhism and gaming online, Vit Sisler (Charles Univ.-Prague) on Muslim …
Call for Papers: Media, Religion and Public Scholarship
Call for Papers: Media, Religion and Public Scholarship Conference of the International Society for Media, Religion, and Culture Conference location: Boulder/Colorado, United States Conference dates: 8-11 of August 2018 Deadline for Panel and Paper proposals: 4 of December 2017 Notification of acceptances: Mid February 2018 The new visibility of religion in public life is a theme of growing relevance in …
Syllabus, Popular Culture
Syllabus 2017 Paul Patton, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Communication and Media Spring Arbor University Here are the course objectives: The student will begin to develop the beginnings of a biblically-informed theology of culture and philosophy of technology. The student will possess adequate skills necessary for “reading” a popular culture artifact. The student will possess an adequate awareness of various “grids” for …
Syllabus, Communication Theory and Research
Syllabus 2017-1 Paul Patton, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Communication and Media Spring Arbor University Here are the course objectives: You will understand the different paradigms from which communication theorists work. (1, 2) You will become familiar with the major communication theories and be able to use them to discuss and evaluate communication events (1, 2, 3) You will explore the implications …
Syllabus, Introduction to Communication
Com 100 Fall 2016 syllabus COM 100 ASSIGNMENTS, Fall, 2016 Com 100 FA 2016 daily Mary Albert Darling, M.A. Associate Professor, Communication and Media Spring Arbor University Overview of this course: The purpose of Com 100 is to introduce you to several of the basics concepts and contexts involved in the field of communication.
Syllabus, Communication, Spirituality, & Service
Com 301 syllabus fall 2016 Mary Albert Darling, M.A. Associate Professor, Communication and Media Spring Arbor University Here is the course description: This course explores the intersect between communication and Christianity in relation to redemptive service to others in today’s world. Emphasis is on exploring connections among communication concepts and Biblically informed spiritual principles and practices for affecting personal, local, and …
Syllabus, Rhetoric
Com 212 Syllabus fall 2016 Com 212 TR daily fall 16 Com 212 Fall 2016 Assignments Mary Albert Darling, M.A. Associate Professor, Communication and Media Spring Arbor University Here is the course description: COM 212, Rhetoric, focuses on the theory, research, organization, preparation, and practice of speaking, with an emphasis on the connection between speaking and writing. We will explore ethical …
Syllabus, Special Topics in Communication: Listen, Laugh, Love
COM 570_Spring_2011_Final Quentin J. Schultze, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Communication and Media Calvin College Here is the course description: This course addresses the nature of human communication as an intrinsically moral act of faith performed by God’s image bearers who are called to: (1) care for the Creator’s world, (2) follow Jesus Christ, and (3) receive and share the blessings of …
Syllabus, Interpersonal Communication, Core 100
Core 100 Interpersonal component guide edited Sept 2015 Mary Albert Darling, M.A. Associate Professor, Communication Spring Arbor University Incorporating interpersonal communication into Core 100 using, as of Fall 2015, An Essential Guide to Interpersonal Communication, by Quentin J. Schultze & Diane M. Badzinski (2015) Here is the course description: Integrating our Christian faith with how we relate to others—our interpersonal communication–is …
Syllabus, Communication and Religion
2017 Syllabus.pages Coms 165 Summary Lect 1 Realm of Rhet2 Coms 165 Charted Dr. Mark Williams This is a syllabus for Communication and Religion taught by Dr. Mark Williams, Professor of Rhetoric, California State University, Sacramento. In addition to the syllabus, included here is the “summary” that Dr. Williams provides students near the end of the semester and one handout …