COMM-495 syl F15 Dr. J. Matthew Melton Here is the course description: A course providing a theoretical integration of the Christian faith with the field of Communication. Reviews fundamental themes connecting faith with communication practice for Christians from the time of the early church to the present, with special emphasis on practical responses to cultural and historical shifts in worldviews. …
Syllabus, Principles of Communication
PRINCIPLES OF COMM SP 17 Joel S. Ward, PhD Here is the course description: The preliminary study of communication is, in effect, becoming aware of what we as humans are already doing. We are often unreflective regarding the habits and patterns of speech we have adopted through personal choice and socialization. The truths about communication process revealed in a theoretical …
Syllabus, Interpersonal Communication
COM 230 Syllabus SP17 Joel S. Ward, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Communication, Geneva College Here is the course description: You should take this course if you are a human who communicates less than perfectly with friends, family, classmates, or co-workers in routine situations (home, school, church, work, social, romantic, etc.). The fact that the uniqueness of human communication, both verbal …
Syllabus, Argumentation & Debate
ARGUMENTATION & DEBATE FALL2015 Joel S. Ward, PhD Here is the course description: Argumentation is the cooperative exercise of building agreement and generating consensus. Debate facilitates the invention and articulation of arguments under time constraint. COM 215 enhances student’s ability to do both argue and debate honing their skills in analysis and construction of both oral and written forms.
Syllabus, Communication Architecture
COM 357 SP17 Joel S. Ward, PhD Here is the course description: Aesthetic judgments form the structure of ethical decisions. We learn from Philippians 4:8 that whatever we view as beautiful, pure, and praiseworthy directly correlates with what we ought to consider honorable, commendable and excellent. Contemporary artists often act as cultural agenda setting touch points expressing what others might …
Book Announcement, Talking Black and White: An Intercultural Exploration of Twenty-First-Century Racism, Prejudice, and Perception
Book Announcement – Available Now Written and Submitted by: Dr. Gina Castle Bell, Assistant Professor, Saint John’s University ( *contact for questions) Foreward by: Dr. Mark C Hopson, Associate Professor and Director of African American Studies at George Mason University Talking Black and White: An Intercultural Exploration of Twenty-First-Century Racism, Prejudice, and Perception. Talking Black and White investigates domestic race-related …
Syllabus, Religous Communication
COMM 480-Fall 2016-syllabi-FINAL COMM 480-900/RELS 480-900: Religious Communication Prepared by Dr. Heidi Campbell, Texas A&M University Here is the course description for the syllabus. “This course will explore the relationship between religious communities and the media, and how media contribute to our understanding of lived religion. This will involve studying how religious communities and institutions respond to and utilize different …