Education in a time of Plague: Reflections from one Epicenter

Robert WoodsBlog, Member Publications: Other, News: Other Leave a Comment

Meaning-full Faith: Words, The Word, and a Life of Substance with Mark Williams, Ph.D. Professor of Rhetoric California State University, Sacramento I live in northern California, near one west coast epicenter of the 2020 pandemic—a once-in-every hundred-year-plague that we are all suffering through at the current moment. It knows no political, religious, or economic boundaries. The present moment is like …

Let’s Have a Conversation about The God Problem

Robert WoodsBlog, Member Publications: Other, News: Other Leave a Comment

Let’s Have a Conversation about The God Problem Mark Ward Sr., Ph.D. Associate Professor of Communication University of Houston-Victoria Fifteen years ago, Quentin Schultze spoke to the annual awards banquet of the Religious Communication Association. His address on “The ‘God-Problem’ in Communication Studies” was subsequently published in the Journal of Communication and Religion. The essay put the problem succinctly: If …

Compassionate Communication

Robert WoodsBlog, Member Publications: Other, News: Other Leave a Comment

Compassionate Communication Annalee R. Ward, Ph.D. University of Dubuque Annalee Ward, Professor of Communication, currently serves as the Director of the Wendt Character Initiative at the University of Dubuque.  This Initiative promotes excellent moral character and lives of purpose. Passionate about interweaving faith, life, and learning, Annalee is grateful for the work of the Christianity and Communication Studies Network whose …

The Rhetoric of Place

Robert WoodsBlog, Member Publications: Other, News: Other Leave a Comment

The Rhetoric of Place Annalee R. Ward, Ph.D. University of Dubuque Annalee Ward, Professor of Communication, currently serves as the Director of the Wendt Character Initiative at the University of Dubuque.  This Initiative promotes excellent moral character and lives of purpose. Passionate about interweaving faith, life, and learning, Annalee is grateful for the work of the Christianity and Communication Studies …

Politically Correct Morals; Morally Correct Politics

Robert WoodsBlog, Member Publications: Other, News: Other Leave a Comment

Politically Correct Morals; Morally Correct Politics Guest Columnist Mark Williams, Ph.D. Professor of Rhetoric California State University, Sacramento Frequently lost on Christians is the distinction between the moral and the sacred, between virtue and holiness. Take the recent remark by RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel who asserted, “I go to church for my moral leadership,” noting, “You can be the nicest, …

What We Can Learn about Christian Communication from First Reformed

Robert WoodsBlog, Member Publications: Other, News: Other Leave a Comment

What We Can Learn about Christian Communication from First Reformed Guest Columnist Paul A. Creasman, Ph.D. Arizona Christian University The 2019 Academy Awards ceremony came and went with the usual amount of fanfare/controversy: The Academy couldn’t find a host, Spike Lee and President Trump traded barbs, Glenn Close still does not have an Oscar. Lost among the din of Twitter …

“Ode for O Joe,” Motivation and Communication – Part 2 (by Paul A. Creasman)

Robert WoodsBlog, News: Other Leave a Comment

Motivation and Communication – Part 2 “Ode for O Joe” Paul A. Creasman, Arizona Christian University, Professor of Communication; Chair, Communication and English Department ( I was saddened to learn this summer that Joey “O Joe” Taylor, the co-founder and driving force behind Undercover, one of the seminal early Contemporary Christian punk/rock bands, had renounced his Christian beliefs. Although this …