Hope Does Not Disappoint. . . ?

Robert WoodsBlog, Featured Author, Member Publications: Other, News: Other Leave a Comment

Hope Does Not Disappoint? (from the regular Column: “Meaningful-Faith: Words, the Word, and a Life of Substance”) Mark Williams, Ph.D. Professor of Rhetoric, California State University, Sacramento Hope does not disappoint—except, most of the time. We hope that our team doesn’t lose; that the grocery store hasn’t run out of milk and bread; that our politicians don’t lie to us; …

Speak Only if You Can Improve Upon the Silence

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Speak Only if You Can Improve Upon the Silence* Quentin Schultze, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Calvin University Author, An Essential Guide to Public Speaking: Serving Your Audience with Faith, Skill, and Virtue 2nd Edition The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint, and whoever has understanding is even-tempered (Proverbs 17:27) Yale University graduate Greg Hindy set out on a coast-to-coast …

Faith, Sovereignty, and Critical Thinking

Robert WoodsBlog, Member Publications: Other, News: Other Leave a Comment

Faith, Sovereignty and Critical Thinking Guest Columnist Richard K. Olsen, Chair, Dept. of Communication Studies University of North Carolina Wilmington To many of my friends on FB and colleagues and co-workers at my school, Christianity has never looked worse.  At a time of crisis, people of faith are often the voice of calm, of perspective, of comfort.  Leading through examples …

Zombie Politics. Spiritual Vandalism. Denying Medical Care to the Disabled

Robert WoodsMember Publications: Other, News: Other Leave a Comment

Zombie Politics. Spiritual Vandalism. Denying Medical Care to the Disabled. I was born and raised in Tennessee. Both of their senators and three of their five representatives have a 100% rating from the National Right to Life Committee. Presently, the state of Tennessee—along with Alabama and Utah, among others—have what are being called “emergency contingency plans” for addressing the pandemic, …

God Talk and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Hobby Lobby and Faithfulness to God’s Word?

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God Talk and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Hobby Lobby and Faithfulness to God’s Word? Brandon Knight, Ph.D. Asst. Professor of Communication William Carey University In the past few weeks, Americans have found themselves at a unique moment in history. In recent years we have experienced a span of political, social, and religious divide; now, the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) has beckoned …


Robert WoodsMember Publications: Other, News: Other Leave a Comment

Liminality Annalee R. Ward, Ph.D. Guest Columnist Annalee Ward, Professor of Communication, currently serves as the Director of the Wendt Character Initiative at the University of Dubuque.  This Initiative promotes excellent moral character and lives of purpose. Passionate about interweaving faith, life, and learning, Annalee is grateful for the work of the Christianity and Communication Studies Network whose work illustrates …

Good Friday in a Time of Pandemic, a Poem

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Good Friday in a Time of Pandemic By Dennis Smith Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Regional Liaison, South America Former Director, World Association for Christian Communication   Good Friday in a Time of Pandemic Today God dies.   Sunday – they say – something else might happen but today? Today what is, is confusion, affliction, death.   That’s the way it’s always …

Fruit of the Spirit – Joy, Episode 12, with Dr. Paul Patton

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In this podcast, Paul talks about the second “Fruit of the Spirit,” joy. He asserts that biblically informed joy is not to be confused with just “putting on a happy face” or easier for the up-beat personality to experience. Paul offers that the “joy of the Lord” is associated with re-asserting an over-arching truth that even informs times of difficulty …

Reclaiming Reverence

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Reclaiming Reverence Gregory Spencer, Ph.D. Professor of Communication Studies, Westmont College Author, Awakening the Quieter Virtues The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom . . .  (Proverbs 9:10). At a recent worship service the pastor told the congregation, “you’re about to enter into the presence of deity.” They audibly gasped. The glorious expressions on worshipers’ faces revealed …