Fraudulent Communication Studies?

Robert WoodsBlog, Member Publications: Other, News: Other Leave a Comment

Fraudulent Communication Studies? Paul A. Creasman, Ph.D. Professor of Communication, Chair of the Department of Communication Studies Arizona Christian University With thousands of colleges and universities migrating their teaching online in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, Tucker Carlson—television news pundit—mused last week about how that would affect education in this country: “An entire nation has just been shown that …

A Note to My Soul

Robert WoodsBlog, Member Publications: Other, News: Other Leave a Comment

A Note to My Soul with Mark Williams, Ph.D. Professor of Rhetoric California State University, Sacramento Here is the first rule of predicting the future in this moment, by my lights: Almost always we tend to forget or to discount the darkness we carry inside. That means that many of our predictions are likely to assume that we possess that …

Devotional: Getting to the Heart of the Matter

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Devotionals on Communication Getting to the Heart of the Matter* Tim Muehlhoff, Ph.D., Biola University There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death. (Proverbs 16:25) Headline: “British doctors perform heart transplant against wishes of girl.” The Associated Press article tells of a fifteen-year-old girl in England who refused a life-saving …

Education in a time of Plague: Reflections from one Epicenter

Robert WoodsBlog, Member Publications: Other, News: Other Leave a Comment

Meaning-full Faith: Words, The Word, and a Life of Substance with Mark Williams, Ph.D. Professor of Rhetoric California State University, Sacramento I live in northern California, near one west coast epicenter of the 2020 pandemic—a once-in-every hundred-year-plague that we are all suffering through at the current moment. It knows no political, religious, or economic boundaries. The present moment is like …

“You Are God’s Garden”

Robert WoodsMember Publications: Other, News: Other Leave a Comment

In this podcast, Paul begins to offer an interlude of reflections during these challenging, uncertain times provoked by the threat of the coronavirus. His first is to emphasize the over-arching significance of biblically-informed metanarratives that help us understand our story, especially in the midst of struggle. What are the ways we understand our journey, stories worth repeating, regularly to remind …

The Light Shines in the Darkness

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The Light Shines in the Darkness Annalee R. Ward, Ph.D. Guest Columnist Annalee Ward, Professor of Communication, currently serves as the Director of the Wendt Character Initiative at the University of Dubuque.  This Initiative promotes excellent moral character and lives of purpose. Passionate about interweaving faith, life, and learning, Annalee is grateful for the work of the Christianity and Communication …

Words: 100 percent Natural Manufactured Fakes?

Robert WoodsMember Publications: Other, News: Other Leave a Comment

Words: 100% Natural Manufactured Fakes? Guest Columnist Mark Williams, Ph.D. Professor of Rhetoric California State University, Sacramento I recently bought some frosted toaster pastries that were boldly described as “ORGANIC!” on the box.  The same store was selling organic chocolate flavored syrup. Organic frosted toaster pastries? Organic chocolate flavored syrup? I’m pretty sure this means civilization is winding down.  Nothing wrong with that. It’s …