“May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” –Psalm 19:14 (New International Version) Question for Reflection: How is your communication pleasing to God?
A New Undergraduate Honor Society for Christian Communication Students
Kristos Logos Paideia A Global Undergraduate Honor Society for Christian Communication Scholars Welcome from the Director Brandon Knight, PhD | William Carey University | BKnight@wmcarey.edu I am honored to serve as the director of this first-of-a-kind initiative for undergraduate Christian students around the world who are committed to integrating their Christian faith with the study of communication. If I have …
10 Summer 2025 Workshops in Faith and Communication Now Open for Registration
CCSN 2025 SUMMER WORKSHOPS and CONFERENCES in Communication [Return to Main Workshop Page] 1. Registration is now open for all 10 summer events. 2. Format: All 10 events are offered in the virtual environment through Zoom and are from 11:30 am – 3:00 pm EDT, on Monday and Thursday (with one exception, June 25, Wednesday), beginning June 2 and ending …
New Vlog Entry, Hearing the Inner Voice, by Stephanie Bennett
In this entry . . . We are revisiting one of my favorite books today — Henri Nouwen’s Beloved. How do we experience what it means to be the beloved child of God and why is it important? God desires that we flourish. To do so, we need to grow up in the Light of the sun (His Son). There, in …
A Prayer for Stewardship, Second Century, Barnabas
For Stewardship O Lord God Almighty, who hast built Thy Church upon the foundation of the Apostles, under Christ the head corner-stone, and to this end didst endue Thy holy apostle St. Barnabas with the singular gift of the Holy Ghost; leave me not destitute, I humbly beseech Thee, of Thy manifold gifts and talents, nor yet of grace to 28make …
Book Review, Crossing Cultures with the Gospel: Anthropological Wisdom for Effective Christian Witness
Book Reviewed: Darrell L. Whiteman, Crossing Cultures with the Gospel: Anthropological Wisdom for Effective Christian Witness (Baker Academic, 2024) (View on Amazon, Associates Link) Journal of Christian Teaching Practice, Volum 12, 2025 (January – December) Reviewed By: Kim Okesson, PhD Reviewer Affiliation: Asbury University Total Pages: 255 ISBN-13: 978-1540960467 Darrell Whiteman is a leading American missionary anthropologist who taught …
A Prayer for Joy and Gladness, The Clementine Liturgy, 2nd Century
For Joy and Gladness Blessed art Thou, O Lord, who hast nourished me from my youth up, who givest food to all flesh. Fill our hearts with joy and gladness, that we, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work in Christ Jesus our Lord, through whom to Thee be glory, honour, might, majesty, and …
Quote of the Week, The Soul at Play, by Emily Dickinson
It is easy to work when the soul is at play It is easy to work when the soul is at play — But when the soul is in pain — The hearing him put his playthings up Makes work difficult — then — It is simple, to ache in the Bone, or the Rind — But Gimlets — among …
Welcome Moriah Pitts, New CCSN Student Fellow and Editorial Assistant
Meet Moriah Pitts, CCSN”s newest student undergraduate fellow and editorial assistant. Moriah is an undergraduate student with Western Washington University, and she will graduate with her Bachelor of English Literature and Creative Writing in March of 2025. She currently works as a Research and Administrative Assistant for Dr. Geraldine E. Forsberg on her work with the International Jacques Ellul Society. …
Column Entry, “Self-Sacrifice + Self-Gift,” by Chase Mitchell
Column: Image to Image: Musings on Faith, Media, and Story December entry: “Self-Sacrifice + Self-Gift” Column Description: Image to Image: Musings on Faith, Media, and Story is a monthly column that illuminates old and new ideas about media ecology from a Christian perspective. Dr. Mitchell will explore what it means to bear God’s image and Christian witness in a mediated world, with …