St. John of Damascus: Patron Saint of Visual Communication

Robert WoodsMember Publications: Long & Short Form Essays, News: Other Leave a Comment

St. John of Damascus: Patron Saint of Visual Communication Terry Lindvall, Ph.D. Virginia Wesleyan University Journal of Christian Teaching Practice Home Page Abstract: This article traces the rise and fall of the image in Christian history, ultimately examining the impact of St. John of Damascus and his defense of holy images in Apologetic Treatises against those Revile the Holy Images and …

Playing Games with Christian Education: Exploring Embodied Faith in Media Production

Robert WoodsMember Publications: Long & Short Form Essays, News: Other Leave a Comment

Playing Games with Christian Education: Exploring Embodied Faith in Media Production Kevin Schut, Ph.D. Associate Dean, School of the Arts, Media + Culture; Professor of Media + Communication Journal of Christian Teaching Practice Home Page Abstract This article considers two interdisciplinary projects to create video games at a Christian university in 2008 and 2011 in light of James K.A. Smith’s call for Christian …

Teaching Communication and Theology

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Teaching Communication and Theology Paul A. Soukup, S.J. Professor of Communication Santa Clara University Originally presented to the Arricia Conference on Communication and Theology, Arricia, Italy, 2007 Journal of Christian Teaching Practice Home Page Abstract A media ecology approach allows a better integration between theology and communication, either as a unit in an existing course or as a stand-alone course. …

The Light Shines in the Darkness

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The Light Shines in the Darkness Annalee R. Ward, Ph.D. Guest Columnist Annalee Ward, Professor of Communication, currently serves as the Director of the Wendt Character Initiative at the University of Dubuque.  This Initiative promotes excellent moral character and lives of purpose. Passionate about interweaving faith, life, and learning, Annalee is grateful for the work of the Christianity and Communication …

Announcing call for submissions for the 2020 Digital Religion Research Award

Robert WoodsNews: Conferences & Events, News: Other 1 Comment

CFP-NMRDC Digital Religion Research Award-2020 Call for Submissions for the 2020 Digital Religion Research Award The Network for New Media, Religion and Digital Culture Studies (NMRDC; is pleased to announce the call for published works (an article or book chapter) for consideration for the newly established Digital Religion Research Award. This award is to recognize outstanding research in the …

CCSN Podcast, Soul Stirrings, “Stewarding the Stirrings of the Soul,” 5 episodes, Dr. Paul Patton

Robert WoodsNews: Other, Special Features Leave a Comment

Dear CCSN’ers, friends and colleagues. In case you missed it, you can listen to the first series in the “Soul Stirrings” podcast with Dr. Paul Patton on “Stewarding the Stirrings of the Soul.” Paul addresses how you can you can cultivate your “sacred interiority” in ways that promote spiritual formation and foster communication wisdom. Learn more about Dr. Patton here: …

Recent and Forthcoming Books in Communication, with classroom materials

Robert WoodsNews: Other, Special Features Leave a Comment

Greetings, CCSN members, subscribers, followers, and friends. Below is a list of relevant recent titles in communication that we think may be of interest to you and your students, friends, and congregants. Some of theses titles, as noted, have instructional/classroom materials available. Thanks in advance for helping us get the word out. 1. An Essential Guide to Public Speaking: Serving …

St. John Chrysostom: Identification and Communication in a Culture of Compromise

Robert WoodsMember Publications: Long & Short Form Essays, News: Other Leave a Comment

St. John Chrysostom:  Identification and Communication in a Culture of Compromise William L. Mullen, Ph.D. Chair of Communication Studies and Professor of Communication Arts Journal of Christian Teaching Practice Home Page Abstract:  John Chrysostom (354 to 406 CE), literally translated as “Golden Mouth,” remains today one of the most popular preachers in church history, and is described by many as the …

George Fox: Silence and Stillness as Communicational Ethic

Robert WoodsMember Publications: Long & Short Form Essays, News: Other Leave a Comment

George Fox: Silence and Stillness as Communicational Ethic Douglas Gwyn Journal of Christian Teaching Practice Home Page Abstract: George Fox (1624 – 1691), the central figure of the early Quaker movement in seventeenth-century England, posed silent worship as a way beyond the English Reformation’s protracted conflict among truth-claims.  Through the practice of verbal silence and physical stillness, early Friends generated new …

Words: 100 percent Natural Manufactured Fakes?

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Words: 100% Natural Manufactured Fakes? Guest Columnist Mark Williams, Ph.D. Professor of Rhetoric California State University, Sacramento I recently bought some frosted toaster pastries that were boldly described as “ORGANIC!” on the box.  The same store was selling organic chocolate flavored syrup. Organic frosted toaster pastries? Organic chocolate flavored syrup? I’m pretty sure this means civilization is winding down.  Nothing wrong with that. It’s …