Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City

Robert WoodsNews: Other, Research: Featured Book Reviews (peer reviewed) Leave a Comment

Cite as follows: McLaughlin, Elizabeth (2016). Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City, by Matthew Desmond (New York: Crown Publishers, 2013). [Book Review]. Journal of Christian Teaching Practice   [Total Pages: 148] [a publication of the Christianity and Communication Studies Network, www.theccsn.com, copyright 2016] By Elizabeth W. McLaughlin, Bethel College, Indiana; elizabeth.mclaughlin@bethelcollege.edu Poverty: say the word and many stereotypic media images appear: hunger, violence, …

Faith Integration as Identity

Robert WoodsMember Publications: Long & Short Form Essays, News: Other 1 Comment

Faith Integration as Identity Jonathan Pettigrew, Ph.D. Arizona State University, Assistant Professor, Hugh Downs School of Human Communication Introduction Immediately after completing my undergraduate psychology degree from a small state school in Texas, I moved across the country to Indiana. Licensed as a minister and commissioned as a missionary, I began working as a Christian campus minister at a large, …

In It with Them: Embracing Process and Authenticity as Transformational Points of Connection

Robert WoodsMember Publications: Long & Short Form Essays, News: Other 1 Comment

In It with Them: Embracing Process and Authenticity as Transformational Points of Connection Richard K. Olsen, Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Associate Professor and Department Chair Introduction The essay is as much a confessional as a guide. Sharing my account of integrating and negotiating my personal faith journey with what I believe is my calling to teach at a …

Co-Creating Spaces as a Faith Integration Strategy

Robert WoodsMember Publications: Long & Short Form Essays, News: Other Leave a Comment

Co-Creating Spaces as a Faith Integration Strategy Douglas L. Kelley, Ph.D. Arizona State University, Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences Introduction I have been a scholar, of sorts, for over thirty years. It has been a mostly marvelous time of engaging students and ideas through teaching and writing. I have taught and written at community colleges, at private Christian liberal …

“Dancing Lessons”: Using a Dialogic Text to Promote Racial Awareness and Reconciliation

Robert WoodsMember Publications: Long & Short Form Essays, News: Other 2 Comments

“Dancing Lessons”: Using a Dialogic Text to Promote Racial Awareness and Reconciliation John Hatch, Ph.D. Eastern University, Chair, and Professor of Communication Studies. Abstract:  The Christian college classroom provides a pivotal environment for raising awareness of systemic racial injustice and the need for interracial reconciliation. For Euro-American students, however, being confronted with a racialist legacy tends to evoke social pain …

Call for RCA 2017 Book, Article, and Dissertation Awards

Kristine KuhlNews: Other Leave a Comment

Call for RCA 2017 Book, Article, and Dissertation Awards   RCA is accepting nominations for its annual outstanding Book, Article, and Dissertation Awards.   RCA Book Award is given for the outstanding scholarly book on religious communication published between May 2016 and May 2017. Those wishing to nominate a book for the award should send four copies of the book …

2017 Religion Communicators Council Convention

Paul L McKinleyNews: Conferences & Events, News: Other Leave a Comment

The Religion Communicators Council is an interfaith association of more than 400 religion communicators working in print and electronic communication, advertising, and public relations. Members represent Baha’i, Christian, Hindu, Jewish and Muslim faith communities. Founded in 1929, the council is the oldest public relations professional association in the United States. Members of the RCC are keenly interested in the next …


Paul L McKinleyNews: Other Leave a Comment

  RES RHETORICA: ‘RHETORIC OF RELIGION’ CALL FOR PAPERS (February 2017)   Res Rhetorica is a peer-reviewed open access quarterly academic journal (ISSN 2392-3113). Its scope includes both theories of rhetoric and practices of persuasive communication. In The Rhetoric of Religion: Studies in Logology (1961) Kenneth Burke wrote: “Theological doctrine is a body of spoken or written words. Whatever else …

Essential Questions Series, Special Guest, Dr. Terry Lindvall

Robert WoodsNews: Other, Webinars: Recorded Leave a Comment

Presenter and Affiliation: Dr. Terry Lindvall, Virginia Wesleyan College, C.S. Lewis Endowed Chair in Communication and Christian Thought Professor of Communication Presentation Title: “Essential Questions in Faith and Communication Series, Interview No. 15, Terry Lindvall” (Moderated by Mark Fackler) Date: 02/09/17     Time: 12:00-1:00 pm, EST Description: this 15th installment in the “Essential Questions in Faith and Communication Series” features Dr. Terry Lindvall, Virginia Wesleyan …

“Ode for O Joe,” Motivation and Communication – Part 2 (by Paul A. Creasman)

Robert WoodsBlog, News: Other Leave a Comment

Motivation and Communication – Part 2 “Ode for O Joe” Paul A. Creasman, Arizona Christian University, Professor of Communication; Chair, Communication and English Department (paul.creasman@arizonachristian.edu) I was saddened to learn this summer that Joey “O Joe” Taylor, the co-founder and driving force behind Undercover, one of the seminal early Contemporary Christian punk/rock bands, had renounced his Christian beliefs. Although this …