Column Title: In Search of Right Words: Saint Augustine, Rhetoric, and Preaching By Brandon Knight, Ph.D. William Carey University September: “Reframing Preaching and Plagiarism” Column Description: Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, in his work On Christian Doctrine, illustrates the important relationship between preaching and rhetoric. Even in his day, many questioned what use the church could possibly gain from the study of …
“Baucham’s Fault(y) Lines: Misreading and Misrepresenting Fellow Christians,” (Part 3 in a series)
Column title: Crossed My Mind: Thoughts on Culture and Communication Column entry: “Baucham’s Fault(y) Lines: Misreading and Misrepresenting Fellow Christians,” (Part 3 in a series) By John Hatch, Ph.D. Eastern University (retired) CCSN Senior Fellow Column Description: As Christians, we are called to have the mind of Christ. This goes against the grain of our social and cultural conditioning. We seek …
A Prayer for Godly Conversation, by Howard Snyder
Scripture Reading Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips. — Psalm 141:3 Prayer O Lord, as I worship you today I commit all my ways to you, and I commit the mystery of conversation to you. I know not what others may say to me today or I to them. Make …
Please consider a year-end tax deductible donation to support the ministry
Seasons greetings! If you or your students or others in your network have been blessed by the ministry of the CCSN, please consider a one-time, end-of-year tax-deductible donation. Donate here: We would also welcome you as a monthly donor. Whether it is $5, $10, $15, or $20 monthly contribution, every dollar counts. It helps keep the cost of our …
Recorded Webinar, Holy Ghost in the Catholic Machine: Spirit-Structure Tensions in Parish Preaching Work, J.E. Sigler
Title: Holy Ghost in the Catholic Machine: Spirit-Structure Tensions in Parish Preaching Work Presenter: Jenni Sigler, PhD (Purdue University) Date/Time: Wednesday, January 17, 2024, 7-8 pm EST Description: Most studies of preaching take a theological, biblical, rhetorical, or mechanical angle. But preaching is also work—difficult, time-consuming, prayerful work, and frequently frustrating, exhausting, faith-testing work. In this webinar, Jennifer Sigler will discuss …
New and Forthcoming Titles in Faith and Communication, Integratio Press
Flyer for distribution: Recent and Forthcoming_23-24_Integratio Press Integratio Press, Current and Forthcoming Titles Integratio Press, officially launched in 2021, publishes original books across five divisions that address questions at the intersection of Christianity and Communication Studies. Our books are scholarly, accessible, Christ centered, and communication focused. Our books help bridge the gap between the Academy and the Church. Books of …
A Prayer for Divine-human Communication
Prayer for Divine-human Communication Almighty Creator, I seek Your comforting presence in this moment. Allow me to open my spiritual ears and listen to Your sound wisdom as Your kindness shuts out the noise of life. Guide my heart towards things falling gently into place, according to Your divine plan for me. Nearly anything can be accomplished with Your guidance; …
Quote of the Week, What is the Truth?, by Jacques Ellul
“The Reality is that all is vanity, and the Truth is that everything is a gift of God. Reality prevents the Truth from being an evasion, while the Truth prevents Reality from being hopeless.” –Jacques Ellul, Reason For Being (Meditations on Ecclesiastes)
New Digital Journal Issue from the Wendt Character Initiative: Character and . . . Play
New Digital Journal Issue from the Wendt Character Initiative: Character and . . . Play Ever thought about how play figures into moral character, or vice versa? The Wendt Character Initiative’s latest issue does just that, with articles focusing in on character and play through varying lenses and disciplines. Be sure to read the response article, written by your CCSN colleague …
Let’s Talk Family, Column Entry, “Leaving a Legacy: What Matters Most?”
Column: Let’s Talk Family: Conversations about Faith and Family Flourishing Column entry: “Leaving a Legacy: What Matters Most?” By Jonathan Pettigrew, PhD, Arizona State University; Diane Badzinski, PhD, Colorado Christian University Column Description: Let’s Talk Family: Conversations about Faith and Family Flourishing is a monthly column offering a space to consider research-based, biblically-sound practices for family communication. We all have …