“The sum of human wisdom is not contained in any one language, and no single language is capable of expressing all forms and degrees of human comprehension.”[i]—Ezra Pound [i] Ezra Pound, ABC of Reading (New York, NY: New Direction Books, 2010), 34.
Book Review, Family Communication and the Christian Faith
Book Reviewed: Pettigrew, J., & Badzinski, D. M. (2023). Family communication and the Christian faith: An Introduction and Exploration (Pasco, WA: Integratio Press). Amazon Associates Link Reviewed By: Dawn Casas Journal of Christian Teaching Practice, Volume 10 (January-December 2023) Reviewer Affiliation: Charleston Southern University Total Pages: 359 ISBN-13: 978-1959685005 Review of: Pettigrew, J., & Badzinski, D. M. (2023). Family communication …
Vlog Entry, Nonverbal Communication and the Ministry of Reconciliation, by Stephanie Bennett
Description: With a focus on 2 Corinthians 5: 17-20 we look at the broad way the ministry of reconciliation can be defined. We are all called to this ministry by God, but what does it look like? Is sharing God’s word only and always about persuasion? How do we bring a unified, solid, and truthful representation of what it means …
Upcoming Workshop, August 9, Building Kingdom Connections and Collaborative Research Networks
Return to Workshop and Conference Home Page If you cannot attend this event live but would like the recording, contact rwoods@theccsn. If you would like access to other recorded summer workshops, learn more about our Summer Pass. Title: Building Kingdom Connections and Collaborative Research Networks for Public Ministry Lead Facilitator/Presenter: Robert Woods, PhD, Exec. Director, Christianity and Communication Studies Network; editor-in-chief, Integratio …
Prayer, May We Ask For And Receive What Pleases You, 8th century
May We Ask For And Receive What Pleases You O Lord, let your merciful ears be open to the prayers of your humble servants. Teach us to ask for what pleases you, that we may receive what we ask for; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now …
Book Review, Professing Christ: Christian Tradition and Faith-learning Integration in Public Universities
Book Reviewed: Jonathan Pettigrew and Robert H. Woods, Jr., eds. (2022). Professing Christ: Christian Tradition and Faith-Learning Integration in Public Universities (Pasco, WA: Integratio Press, 2022). Amazon Associates Link Reviewed By: David W. Kling Journal of Christian Teaching Practice, Volume 10 (January-December 2023) Reviewer Affiliation: University of Miami Total Pages: 223 ISBN-10: 0999146335 Do other religious traditions give as much attention to the integration of …
Quote of the Week, the Most Notable Invention, by Thomas Hobbes
“But the most notable and profitable invention of all others, was that of communication. . . whereby humans register their thoughts; recall them when they are past; and also declare them one to another.”[i] ―Thomas Hobbes [i] Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan (New York, NY: Penguin Classics, 2017), 100, emphasis mine.
Upcoming Workshop, August 9, Building Collaborative Connections for Research and Public Ministry
Return to Workshop and Conference Home Page If you cannot attend this event live but would like the recording, contact rwoods@theccsn. If you would like access to other recorded summer workshops, learn more about our Summer Pass. Title: Building Kingdom Connections and Collaborative Research Networks for Public Ministry Lead Facilitator/Presenter: Robert Woods, PhD, Exec. Director, Christianity and Communication Studies Network; editor-in-chief, Integratio …
Upcoming Workshop, August 2, Join us for Practicing a Theatrical Hermeneutic in Preaching, Teaching and Performance
Return to Workshop and Conference Home Page If you cannot attend this event live but would like the recording, contact rwoods@theccsn. If you would like access to other recorded summer workshops, learn more about our Summer Pass. Title: Practicing a Theatrical Hermeneutic in Teaching, Preaching, and Performance Presenters/Facilitators: Paul Patton, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Communication and Theater, Spring Arbor University; David Denis, …
Prayer, By Your Word You Have Brought Us out of Darkness, by Veit Dietrich
By Your Word You Have Brought Us out of Darkness Lord God, heavenly Father, we most heartily thank you that by your Word you have brought us out of the darkness of error into the light of your grace. Mercifully help us to walk in that light, guard us from all error and false doctrine and grant that we may …