Column Title: In Search of Right Words: Saint Augustine, Rhetoric, and Preaching By Brandon Knight, Ph.D. William Carey University September-October: “Hallelujah: Discovering the Strangeness of Scripture” Column Description here: Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, in his work On Christian Doctrine, illustrates the important relationship between preaching and rhetoric. Even in his day, many questioned what use the church could possibly …
Case Study, “Servant Leadership: When School Leaders Stop, Slow Down, and Listen,” by Lumar Vargas
Servant Leadership: When School Leaders Stop, Slow Down, and Listen By Lumar Vargas, Lumar Vargas is an Urban Educational Leadership Ph.D. student at Cleveland State University. She has been a teacher, school administrator, and teacher leadership coach. Lumar also serves co-vocationally as a church planter and hopes to merge her love for ministry and education. Â Introduction It was …
A prayer to honor the gift of communication, by Kevin Jones
“Father, Thank you for your gift of communication. Please forgive me for ways I may have misused your gift, hurt others with my words, not listened in love, and not honored you with my communication. Please surround my words with your Guardian Angels so I can show your love to others with the words I speak. I ask for patience …
Recorded webinar, “Servant Teaching: Practices for Renewing Christian Higher Education,” with Quentin Schultze
Title: “Servant Teaching: Practices for Renewing Christian Higher Education” Presenter/Affiliation: Quentin Schultze, PhD, Professor of Communication (Emeritus), Calvin University Date/Time: Thursday, October 13, 7-8 pm EST Description: Quentin Schultze will reveal some of the top teaching practices from his new book Servant Teaching: Practices for Renewing Christian Higher Education. His goal is to help Christian faculty reduce stress, use time …
New Book, Servant Teaching: Practices for Renewing Christian Higher Education, by Quentin Schultze
Learn more about this new book from Quentin Schultze, Professor of Communication (Emeritus), Calvin University, and distinguished CCSN Senior Fellow. Book Description (From Amazon) that reveal the heart of effective Christian higher education—what he calls “servant teaching” with faith, skill, and virtue. Each chapter provides a key to motivating students to learn with excellence, compassion, and delight. The book also …
Communication Devotional, Relational Dialectics with God, by Donna Elkins
Relational Dialectics with God I am worn out calling for help; my throat is parched. My eyes fail, looking for my God. Psalm 69:3(NIV) Several years ago, a student in an interpersonal class wrote me the most satisfying note I ever received as a teacher. She explained that she had been estranged from her mother for many years. But after …
A Prayer for Writers, Editors, Publishers, and the Press
A Prayer for Writers, Editors, Publishers, and the Press Almighty God, strengthen and direct, we pray, the will of all whose work it is to write what many read, and to speak where many listen. May we be bold to confront evil and injustice: understanding and compassionate of human weakness; rejecting alike the half-truth which deceives, and the slanted word …
A Social Media Prayer, by Meredith Gould
A Social Media Prayer Christ has no online presence but yours No blog, no Facebook page but yours, Yours are the tweets through which love touches the world, Yours are the posts through which the Gospel is shared, Yours are the updates through which hope is revealed. Christ has no online presence but yours, No blog, no Facebook page but …
Column Entry, “The Image of God and Roe vs. Wade,” by Elizabeth McLaughlin
Column Title: Communitas Column Entry: “The Image of God and Roe vs. Wade” Column Description: The term Communitas refers to an unstructured community of equal members often traveling from one place to another. Like the characters in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, we are fellow pilgrims on the road towards the Father’s house, following Jesus as the way, truth, and life. This …
Three podcasts on “self-control,” with Paul Patton and Soul Stirrings
Paul recently completed his 9-part series on the Fruit of the Spirit with his final 3 podcasts on self-control. You can listen to Paul’s exploration of all 9 “Fruits of the Spirit” here: Paul will begin a new series called “God Talk and the Manipulative Use of Spiritual Language,” with Brandon Knight, William Carey University. Stay tuned for more …