Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor of Communication at Pepperdine University

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The Communication Division of the Seaver College of Letters, Arts and Sciences at Pepperdine University invites applications for a visiting appointment in communication. The successful candidate will hold a Master’s degree prior to August 1, 2017, and have experience coaching debate. The Pepperdine team competes in British Parliamentary style debate, but all debate coaching experience will be considered. Responsibilities will …

The 3rd Biennial Philosophy of Communication Conference

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  Hello Communication Ethics friends and fans!   Attached you will find the call for The 3rd Biennial Philosophy of Communication Conference. This will take place from June 5–7, 2017, at the Duquesne University Power Center in Pittsburgh, PA. The theme for this year’s conference centers on the Catholic Intellectual Tradition and since this conference is taking place during the summer …

Call for Papers for APU’s Reformation Reverberations Conference, October 12-14, 2017

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Reformation Reverberations: Consequences and Challenges of Change Celebrating the Protestant Reformation’s 500th Anniversary Azusa Pacific University October 12-14, 2017 Azusa Pacific is pleased to host this cross-disciplinary conference celebrating the 500thanniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Call for Papers The conference invites participation from a wide array of disciplines, including, but not limited to: religious studies, theology, history, literature, philosophy, sociology, …

Call for RCA 2017 Book, Article, and Dissertation Awards

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Call for RCA 2017 Book, Article, and Dissertation Awards   RCA is accepting nominations for its annual outstanding Book, Article, and Dissertation Awards.   RCA Book Award is given for the outstanding scholarly book on religious communication published between May 2016 and May 2017. Those wishing to nominate a book for the award should send four copies of the book …

2017 Religion Communicators Council Convention

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The Religion Communicators Council is an interfaith association of more than 400 religion communicators working in print and electronic communication, advertising, and public relations. Members represent Baha’i, Christian, Hindu, Jewish and Muslim faith communities. Founded in 1929, the council is the oldest public relations professional association in the United States. Members of the RCC are keenly interested in the next …


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  RES RHETORICA: ‘RHETORIC OF RELIGION’ CALL FOR PAPERS (February 2017)   Res Rhetorica is a peer-reviewed open access quarterly academic journal (ISSN 2392-3113). Its scope includes both theories of rhetoric and practices of persuasive communication. In The Rhetoric of Religion: Studies in Logology (1961) Kenneth Burke wrote: “Theological doctrine is a body of spoken or written words. Whatever else …

Essential Questions Series, Special Guest, Dr. Terry Lindvall

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Presenter and Affiliation: Dr. Terry Lindvall, Virginia Wesleyan College, C.S. Lewis Endowed Chair in Communication and Christian Thought Professor of Communication Presentation Title: “Essential Questions in Faith and Communication Series, Interview No. 15, Terry Lindvall” (Moderated by Mark Fackler) Date: 02/09/17     Time: 12:00-1:00 pm, EST Description: this 15th installment in the “Essential Questions in Faith and Communication Series” features Dr. Terry Lindvall, Virginia Wesleyan …

“Ode for O Joe,” Motivation and Communication – Part 2 (by Paul A. Creasman)

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Motivation and Communication – Part 2 “Ode for O Joe” Paul A. Creasman, Arizona Christian University, Professor of Communication; Chair, Communication and English Department ( I was saddened to learn this summer that Joey “O Joe” Taylor, the co-founder and driving force behind Undercover, one of the seminal early Contemporary Christian punk/rock bands, had renounced his Christian beliefs. Although this …

The “Why?” of Communication, Motivation and Communication – Part 1 (by Paul A. Creasman)

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Motivation and Communication – Part 1 The “Why?” of Communication Paul A. Creasman, Arizona Christian University, Professor of Communication; Chair, Communication and English Department ( Seems so simple a question yet it is also decidedly complex. Out of the “5Ws” of journalism (who, what, when, where, why) “why” is the most difficult to address because it asks for something more …

DEADLINE EXTENDED: Call for Papers, Sacred Rhetoric Conference, May 31-June 2, 2017

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Winebrenner Theological Seminary will be hosting a conference exploring “Sacred Rhetoric,” an interdisciplinary event devoted to the consideration of discourses of religion, both as it is depicted in various media formats and how religious practitioners discuss issues within confessional communities. The conference will take place from May 31-June 2, 2017, and seeks to bring together specialists in the fields of …