Presenter: Calvin L. Troup
Presenter Affiliation: Duquesne University
Presentation Title: Jacques Ellul’s Take on the Internet: From Diagnosis to Prevention (or Not Losing Your Mind and Heart in Cyberspace)
Date: 05/20/2015
Time: 08:00 pm
Time Zone: Eastern (US)
Immersed in a world of digital communication devices, we live in an image-driven, hyper-mediated world. Imagining an alternative leaves us feeling uneasy. Dr. Troup provides coordinates for navigating the digital realities and practices that can order our mediated lives. Dr. Troup’s publications include Augustine for the Philosophers and The Rhetoric of Augustine’s Confessions. He has also published articles in Explorations in Media Ecology, the Journal of Communication and Religion, and the Journal of Business Ethics. (Registration Fee: Free; Time: 8:00-9:00 pm, EST). This live presentation may be viewed by an individual or group of any size in a single feed.
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