Integratio Press, the CCSN’s imprint, is pleased to announce the addition of Dr. Mark Allan Steiner, Christopher Newport University, to our community of executive editors. Mark will provide editorial assistance and support to new authors. Mark brings decades of publication experience and scholarly wisdom to Integratio Press. We are honored to have him in our community.
Mark Allan Steiner (PhD, Indiana University) is Associate Professor of Communication at Christopher Newport University in Newport News, Virginia, and is a past president of the Religious Communication Association. His areas of expertise include rhetorical theory and criticism, religious rhetoric, public/political discourse, and the relationship between mediation and religious identity. He is the author of The Rhetoric of Operation Rescue: Projecting the Christian Pro-Life Message (2006) and “Reconceptualizing Christian Public Engagement: ‘Faithful Witness’ and the American Evangelical Tradition” (2009), and has published a range of articles and book chapters on evangelical Christian rhetoric, media and religion, undergraduate communication pedagogy, and rhetoric education at the primary and secondary school levels. He lives in Suffolk, Virginia with his wife and four children.
If you are interested in serving in a similar capacity to help shepherd our books through to publication, please contact Robert Woods, Managing Editor: