Journal of Christian Teaching Practice (JCTP): The Journal of Christian Teaching Practice publishes original work focusing on pedagogical examples and teaching strategies that demonstrate the integration of Christian faith with collegiate instruction. Qualitative and quantitative approaches are welcome. Submissions should discuss exemplary teaching practices, their success in the classroom, along with an explanation of observed student outcomes. The journal is peer-reviewed. Work is published in each volume in real time as it is completed, not all at once in June or December.
Volume 4(1), 2017 (January – June)
Volume 4(2), 2017 (July – December)
Volume 5(1), 2018 (January-December)
Volume 6(1), 2019 (January-June)
Volume 6(2), 2019 (July-December)
Volume 7, 2020 (January-December)
Volume 8, 2021 (January-December)
Volume 9, 2022 (January-December)
Volume 10, 2023 (January-December)
Volume 11, 2024 (January-December)
Volume 12, 2025 (January-December)
Journal submissions can take several forms:
- Book Reviews: featured book reviews are 1,500 words or less in length. You can review several examples here.
- Long form essays: journal length articles, 5-6,000 words, including endnotes and references.
- Short form essays: journal length articles on the shorter side (less than 2,000 words including endnotes and references).
- Case studies: successful teaching strategies that ignite student learning or promote integration of faith and learning in the classroom, or approaches to research and practice that you have found helpful, or other relevant cases that would serve members (less than 2,000 words including endnotes and references)
- Thinkpieces: short reflection pieces, or opinion pieces addressing pedagogical examples and teaching strategies (less than 2,000 words including endnotes and references).
- Other: material that does not fit one of the other member publication types listed above. We welcome creative material, visual and graphic material, and work that takes advantage of multi-media platforms in ways that serve our membership.
All publishing opportunities above are peer-reviewed. Becoming a member of the CCSN does not guarantee publication of your work. We welcome submissions from non-members that meet our publication goals.
CCSN has an editorial board of teachers, scholars, and other professionals who regularly review items submitted for publication. An additional list of qualified peer-reviewers is used depending on the submission and publication type. Review is fast – usually 1 to 2 weeks. Publication is in electronic form only and will appear exclusively on the CCSN ( All peer-reviewed publications are accessible to the public. The preferred style guide for publication is MLA/Chicago, most recent edition, but we will accept articles that apply APA style under certain circumstances.
We publish as work is completed. We don’t wait until we have collected a certain number of pieces before we release a volume or edition.
Submissions: send an email to the Network administrator: Indicate (in 250 or less) the type of publication above you wish to submit and explain why your submission will be of interest to CCSN members. Include an abstract along with the afore-mentioned description. Do not include the full manuscript.
Editorial Staff: Robert Woods, J.D, Ph.D. (Managing Editor); Ken Waters, Ph.D, (Associate Editor); John Katsion, Ph.D. (Assistant Editor); Kate Mead, Ph.D. (Assistant Editor); Laura Lee Groves, Ph.D. (Assistant Editor); John Hatch, Ph.D. (Book Review Editor).