New Vlog Entry, “Where are you most at home?”, with Stephanie Bennett

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What’s in this entry? “It’s always a good day to dive into the work of Henri Nouwen. This passage comes from a book of compiled Nouwen writings put together by Charles Ringma. Today we’re looking at the connection between identity and community and asking, “Where am  I truly at home?” When we don’t feel at home anywhere, we are bound to struggle, not only with internal angst, but also in our communication with each other.  No sense of home can really weigh on our mental health. We need to pay attention to this: We’re born into a people, into a place, but ultimately we need to find our place in the Lord. This is not a one-time endeavor. We come back to finding that place again and again.

Vlog Description: The Secret Place is a boutique channel produced with love (not numbers) to inspire and uplift. Each message begins with a short introduction to a new favorite book. This song is In The Secret Place by Stephanie Bennett on the album Toward the Lamb. For more resources on communication, faith, and culture, please visit our sponsor, the Christianity and Communication Studies Network at”

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