COM 570_Spring_2011_Final Quentin J. Schultze, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Communication and Media Calvin College Here is the course description: This course addresses the nature of human communication as an intrinsically moral act of faith performed by God’s image bearers who are called to: (1) care for the Creator’s world, (2) follow Jesus Christ, and (3) receive and share the blessings of …
Syllabus, Interpersonal Communication
COM 230 Syllabus SP17 Joel S. Ward, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Communication, Geneva College Here is the course description: You should take this course if you are a human who communicates less than perfectly with friends, family, classmates, or co-workers in routine situations (home, school, church, work, social, romantic, etc.). The fact that the uniqueness of human communication, both verbal …
Christ Centered Communication Messages
Christ-Centered Communication Messages are 3-minute inspirational messages addressing how Christians communicate in the world today. We encounter all kinds of communication situations every day and as Christians we are called to bring peace and not create chaos in the way we communicate. These messages answer the question: What Would Jesus Say Today? You can watch and share them by clicking …