Recorded Webinar, Accountable for our Words: Confronting Online Incivility, with Tim Muehlhoff

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Title: Accountable for our Words: Confronting Online Incivility

Presenter: Tim Muehlhoff, PhD, Professor, Biola University

Date/Time: January 30, 6-7 pm EDT

Description: As educators and communication scholars, are we simply to resign ourselves to the vitriol and harsh judgements prevalent to online communication?  If the internet is the new public square, how can we encourage civil discourse as we disagree?  How might we effectively invite students, faculty, and people sitting next to us in the pews to the biblical standard of speaking truth in love?  Using Muehlhoff’s recent online debate with popular YouTube host and Christian apologist, Sean McDowell, on the wisdom of using preferred pronouns as a test case, can we engage those posting angry and demeaning comments in a constructive way?  How might the oft-overlooked reality of the Judgement Seat of Christ where believers must account for their words (2 Cor. 5:10), provide motivation for Christian online civility?

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Tim Muehlhoff (Ph.D., UNC-Chapel Hill) is a professor of communication at Biola University and co-director of the Winsome Conviction Project that seeks to open lines of communication, rather than close them.  He is the creator of an interactive website designed to facilitate perspective-taking with diverse views and his latest book is, End The Stalemate: Move from Cancel Culture to Meaningful Conversations (with Sean McDowell, Tyndale Press).  He is a fellow with the CCSN.

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