Workshop Resources, “Teaching C.S. Lewis,” 2024, with Steve Beebe

Below are the resources for Steve Beebe’s “Teaching C.S. Lewis: Chronicles of a Master Communicator,” Workshop, June 5, 2024, Presenter: Steven A. Beebe, Texas State University, Emeritus

NotePeter Lang is offering a 30% discount on Steve’s book (C.S. Lewis and the Craft of Communication).  The promo code is BEEBE.  You can access the publisher by going directly to the order page.

Note: Workshop Feedback survey. At the close of the event, we ask you to take a few minutes and complete this short feedback form for Steve. Thank you. 

Link to recording of this webinar. PW: ccsn. Please do not share this with anyone who did not attend this workshop. Thank you.

CCSN Summer Workshop Schedule for 2024

Workshop Schedule/Agenda

Session I (11:30 EST – 12:30 EST)

Welcome and Introduction: Overview of the course and the instructor

Session I:        Teaching Lewis at Texas State

Session II:       Teaching Lewis at Oxford

Session III:      Lewis’s Principles of Communication

PowerPoint Presentation: My Background for Teaching C. S. Lewis

[PowerPoint #1: How I “Discovered” Lewis]

Discussion: Questions, Observations, Comments, Suggestions?

What do you want to learn?

Presentation: Overview of My Texas State Course

C. S. Lewis: Chronicles of a Master Communicator [Handout 1: Texas State Syllabus]

Unit I: The Life of Lewis: The Making of a Master Communicator

Unit II: Communication Principles and Skills (and Lewis as communicator)

Unit III: Applying Communication Principles to Lewis

Bibliography [Handout 2: Selected Lewis Bibliography]

Discussion:  Questions, Observations, Comments?

What is your approach to teaching Lewis?

Break (12:40 EST – 12:50 EST)

Session II (12:40 EST – 1:40 EST)


Presentation: Marketing The Lewis Course @ Oxford

Poster: [Handout 3: Oxford Poster]

Course Announcement: [Handout 4: Course Announcement] 

Presentation: Teaching C. S. Lewis in Oxford [Handout 5: Lewis Oxford Syllabus]

Review Syllabus: Note similarities/differences between Texas State vs. Oxford course

Discussion: Questions, Comments, Observations, Suggestions?

Presentation: How I Used Walking Tours to Teach Lewis

[PowerPoint # 2:  Teaching @ Oxford]

Lewis Videos [Handout 6: Videos]

Discussion: Questions, Observations, Comments?

How do you relate Lewis to his time and place?

Presentation: Teaching “The Quest for Meaning” Course at Oxford [Handout 7: Syllabus]

[PowerPoint #3: The “Quest for Meaning” Course]

Teaching Lewis in Comparison to Other Authors/Ideas/Paradigms (e.g. Freud)

Assignments [Handout 8: Oxford Assignment Sheet Summary]

Discussion: Questions, Observations, Comments, Suggestions?

Review of Primary Assignments: [Refer to Syllabi]

Daily Discussion Questions

Informative Speech: C. S. Lewis

Research Paper (See Syllabus)

Meditation in a Toolshed Discussion Guide [Handout 9: Discussion Guide]

Discussion:  Comments, Observations, Suggestions, Questions?

What Assignments Do You Use?

Break (1:40 EST – 1:50 EST)

Session III (1:50 EST – 2:50 EST)


Presentation: C. S. Lewis’s Five Principles of Communication  [PowerPoint  #4: HI TEA]

Summarize the Core Content of C. S. Lewis’s Communication Principles

  1. S. Lewis and the Craft of Communication

Review/Discuss Handouts:

How To Communicate Like C. S. Lewis Summary [Handout 10: Summary]

HI TEA Discussion Outline [Handout 11: Outline]

Discussion: Questions, Observations, Comments?

How do you approach Lewis as a communicator?

What are other approaches to teaching C. S. Lewis? (e.g. literature, philosophy, theology,

apologetics, science fiction, children’s literature)

What would you add to Lewis’s principles of communication?

Presentation: Teaching Lewis as a Continuing Education Course

[Handout 12: Syllabus for Continuing Education Course]

Other approaches to teaching C. S. Lewis?


Wrap-up (2:50 pm EST – 3:00 pm EST)